Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Waiting Game

Erik and I went to the doctor on Monday and the doc said that I was 1 centimeter dilated and my cervix was soft(I know gross huh). Today I am 36 week and 6 day!! So thats a good thing to know my pregnancy is progressing nicely. Earlier that day I started to lose my 'plug'(gross again sorry)and all this week I have been losing more. I dont think that is an indicator of when I will go into labor, but everyone is different. So doc said on our next visit she would measure little girl to see about how big she will be. Erik thinks that she will be 7lbs 11oz like him. This week has been full of new pains and discomforts. My lower back pain is killing me most of the time and little girl is pressing on nerves that are giving me great grief. I know that these pains are only the beginning but they are all worth it in the end. At the end of all the pain, sweat and tears Erik and I will have our lovely, sweet little girl in our arms. So all I can do now is suck it up and wait for our little one to come when she is darn ready too.