Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Our little poo pants!
I just have to say that having a baby is the best thing besides getting married to Erik that has ever happened to me. She is absolutly wonderful. Lately she has been smiling! Sometimes when I change her diaper and am talking to her she gives me a big grin and then pees on me. My sweet child. Such a great feeling of joy she gives me. Yesterday she would not go to bed she was up all night cooing and playing all by herself. When I picked her up I asked her what she was doing and she would let out a laugh and smile so big for me. I melted when I saw that. I love that little poo pants. I love being a mom. I never thought I would be one but now that I have a little one of my own I couldnt imagine my life without her. She brings happiness to my life. I cant wait to see to see her grow up into a adult and have little ones of her own, but I dont want her to grow up too fast. Right now I am just enjoying her day to day and thinking of how thankful and blessed Erik and I are to have her in our life.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
She's Here!!
The last time I wrote to y'all was the same day I went into labor. So funny I was just talking that day about if she was going to come anytime soon, and she heard me. The beginning of that day was just like any other day. I had back cramps and felt like poop. When I got home form work Erik and I went for a walk down the street and back. It took no more than 10 min to complete our walk. We got home and were lying on the couch talking the little girl asking her when she was going to come out. I got up and started fixing homemade chicken pizza when my water broke in the kitchen! I looked down and my water was coming down my leg! I couldn't believe it. I called out to Erik who was lying on the couch. I was like Erik my water broke he jumped up and was like no it didn't and I was like yea it did. He walked over to the kitchen and saw that I was not joking. We are in the kitchen laughing and then Erik makes me go run to the bathroom and get in the tub. So I'm running the the bathroom with my legs tight and laughing. I get to the tub and am just standing there laughing and told Erik to call Dr. Bullock. Erik was then like is this for real, and do we have to go to the hosp. I was like this is the real deal and once water breaks baby is coming. We had plenty of time so get our things ready and head out for the hosp. I felt bad because I was getting ready to mess up Erik's seat in the truck. LOL. So Erik asks me if we have time to stop and grab a bite. I was like yea so we go to Whataburger. Yes, we did stop. I wasn't having contractions yet so I was alright. We get to the hosp and I can hardly believe that the time has come. Nine months of waiting impatiently and now the day seemed to come up like a rocket. We get a room and thank goodness we pre registered because I really did not want to sit and do paper work. We get in the room and the contractions start. Real dull at first and then all of a sudden I was in severe pain! My water broke at 7:20pm and I didn't ask for an epidural till 5am or so when I was going to die. I had pain meds that made me slur so badly I had to quit talking it was funny but not. The nurse called the doc who was going to be administering my epidural, he was at home of course. So every time the nurse walked in the room I was praying that he was behind her. By then I was In so much pain all I could do was stare in front of me and long for him to come to my rescue. When he finally did I didn't show any emotion at all, all I could think about was how I wanted him to stop this pain. After he was done everything was gravy!! I felt so much better. I couldn't feel my legs but that was ok. Erik's sis Ashley came in and was like Wilson your leg is hanging off the bed. Lol, my leg could have been getting eaten by a pack of wolves and I wouldn't have know. She helped my leg back into the bed. Around 10:30 or so I was able to start pushing. That was the most taxing thing ever! I was so tired by the end of it. Around 12:50ish the Doc was like she is coming. All I could do was push until I couldn't push anymore and then push som more and there she was. They put her one chest and all I could do was stare and smile at this beautiful baby Erik and I made. They took her to get weighed and clean up. Erik was a ball of light, he was so happy. She was finally here and she was perfect. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was and how tiny. Her little feet and cute toes, little hands and fingers, we made her and she couldn't have been anymore perfect. They got her all cleaned up and gave her back to me. I sat there looking at his tiny little girl and was so joyful. Erik couldn't take the smile off of his face and neither could I. Our perfect baby girl was finally here and we could have been any happier than we were that moment. They let our family in to see her and it was shear pandemonium, but the good kind. Everyone was happy and tearful and just so happy to finally see her. Erik and I were parents to this little one now and we were going to be be the best parents we can be to her. Now our little one is 7 weeks old now and she is such a delight. She has brought us such joy words can not describe. We are so lucky to have her in our life.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Waiting Game
Erik and I went to the doctor on Monday and the doc said that I was 1 centimeter dilated and my cervix was soft(I know gross huh). Today I am 36 week and 6 day!! So thats a good thing to know my pregnancy is progressing nicely. Earlier that day I started to lose my 'plug'(gross again sorry)and all this week I have been losing more. I dont think that is an indicator of when I will go into labor, but everyone is different. So doc said on our next visit she would measure little girl to see about how big she will be. Erik thinks that she will be 7lbs 11oz like him. This week has been full of new pains and discomforts. My lower back pain is killing me most of the time and little girl is pressing on nerves that are giving me great grief. I know that these pains are only the beginning but they are all worth it in the end. At the end of all the pain, sweat and tears Erik and I will have our lovely, sweet little girl in our arms. So all I can do now is suck it up and wait for our little one to come when she is darn ready too.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Quick hide the loot!!
So at our house it totally looks like Erik and I robbed a BabiesRUs because our whole living room is covered from head to toe with baby stuff. We had our showers over these past 2 weekends. I have to say we are so thankful to have such wonderful family and friends that have helped and supplied us with all of our baby needs.Because if it was up to us poor little girl would be naked. Yall are awesome! We got so many clothes! It made me a little nervous because I was worried that the doctor was wrong and little girl wasnt a girl but a boy and all of this pink stuff would look pretty funny on a boy. Thanks Celi for making me ubber paranoid. LOL. So I got kinda obsessed with cordnating the clothes by month and lableing them with paper. Also I took every bit, and when I mean every bit of plactic and cardboard I got from the clothes I mean every bit and put them into separate bags for recycling. Crazy. I did all this work and then forgot that I needed to wash the clothes so then I separated them again into whites and darks. Yea. I put everything into categories like shoes, toys, bottles, basket covers, cards everything had its place on our kitchen table. No told me I would get crazy with this stuff. Erik was watching me do this and I know he thought I was nuts. He was painting little girls room, which looks so awesome! I have the best husband in the world, he made the room look so good. I wish I could have had a hand in painting it but I dont think paint smell and baby mix well. Now if she decides to come early she will have her own little place to call her own. Now the only thing missing is our sweet baby girl.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Not little girls butt...huh interesting.
So yesterday Erik and I had a doctors appt to see how everything was going with little one. We get there late because the guy who cut Eriks hair right before fudged it up and he had to fix it before we went. After his hair looked presentable we were off to the docs. We waited in the waiting room for only a little bit before I had to go in for my weigh in. So these weigh in's are my least favorite thing about the visit because I dread seeing how much weight I gained. So I step on....huh I lost 2 pounds. Awesome. The doc the appointment before said that I may have not been eating enough and that my body was keeping hold of the weight I had as a reserve and to try to eat more. So Erik and I have been eating "clean" as they say and I feel great because of it. Doc said she wasnt concerned about the weight loss at all. So thats good. Ok so on to the exam, she puts the icky goo on my tummy and notices that my tummy is in a giant ball in one spot. As my body was doing this she said to me that the buldge was not little girl but a Braxton Hicks contraction. What! This whole time I thought those buldges were babys butt or back. She said people often think the same thing and that it is really hard to explain unless you see it in action. Im so glad she told me, I would have gone on the whole pregnancy thinking I am rubbing by babys butt. LOL. So I felt very educated after that. She checked little girl and her heartbeat was great. Now I start to go every 2 week!! Yea getting close now! Only 2 months left and we get to meet our little girl.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
She has his nose!
So yesterday Erik and I went to the doctor to do my diabeties test to see if I have the sugars. The drink I had to drink was awful! It was orange flavor and made me want to puke. Im all for sweet things but that drink was a bit much. We had to sit and wait an hour before they took my blood to test my blood sugar. In the meanwhile we went into the doctors office to get my bp taken and stuff. The doc asked me how I have been and I told her I was concerned that Scarlett wasnt moving alot for the past couple day. So instead of just doing a heartbeat check she took me in for an ultrasound. Cool right wasnt expecting that. So shes starts the ultrasound and there she is, that big head popped on screen and her big body so much different from the last time we saw her. Doc said she was moving but she probably just moved to a spot where I feel her less. While she was measuring and checking her out she turns the ultrasound to the 3D kind, like the one where you can see what your baby will look like before she is born. I kinda didnt want to see her because it kinda creeped me out to see her before she was born. But there she was on the screen. She was beautiful! Little tears came out. I was so happy. The first thing I said was "Erik she had your nose!". She did and she has his chin from what I can tell. He little round face was so plump and cute! I fell in love. Erik was excited and was so amazed that this was Scarlett, our little girls face. The doc printed out pics and also made a disk for us too. It was the best visit ever. I totally forgot about the nasty concoction I had drank an hour before and admired out beautiful baby girl. Our sweet baby girl Scarlett.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Pre Motherhood Thoughts
So yesterday I was standing in the mirror in my sports bra and my yoga pants brushing my teeth, well I was mezmerized by how big my tummy has gotten. Im brushing my teeth and all I can think about is how lucky I am to be having this little life grow inside of me. As I stood there staring and it it made me so happy that we will soon have this little life in our hands and she will be all for Erik and I. I admired my new found plump body in the mirror and was proud of it. All the while little girl was kicking away and rolling around in her temporary home and it made me fell a glow of warmth and love and wished that that moment wouldnt go away. I imagined the day we would hold her and the way she would look. Everything was in slowmo and I swear time stood still. I was so happy. My smooth belly that looked and felt like a watermelon holding this life that is so precious. I stopped brushing teeth and smiled.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Death Cramp From HELL
So the other night I am staying at my parents house, lying snug in the bed and sound asleep with my dog Wyatt when all of a sudden I am awoken by this deathly painful cramp in my left leg. It felt like someone had cut open my leg ripped my muscles out and started digging around in there. It was truly horrible. The more I moved the worse it got and if I was still it was still painful. I am screaming at the top of my lungs, my dog wakes up starts freaking out, I am on the verge of crying and no one came to my rescue. Lol. I am suprised no one heard me I was sreaming so loud. It finally went away and I fell asleep. I hope I never have that pain again. I looked up my bedtime night pain and found out that it is common in pregnancy to get these wonderful cramps during sleep. Great. So I hope I never get another one this whole pregnancy.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Drum Roll Please...
And the baby is a......GIRL!! I can finally tell yall! So Erik and I went on April 7th to the doctor to get my third ultrasound done but my day started off on the wrong foot before our little visit. I was on my was home from paying the wedding cake lady and an 18 wheeler ran me off the road. I know right. So my brand new car my hubby bought me was wrecked and myself crying and freaking out made everything worse. The great news about this is that myself and the baby were just fine, just alittle scared and shaken. So after all that jazz was done Erik and I were off to the doctors for our ultrasound. So the doctor is like are yall ready to find out what the baby is and of course we are like yea. So she finds our little baby, which is not so little now and starts to look for girl or boy parts. She was like lets find out what this mystery baby is. So when she said this baby is no longer a mystery we were stoked to hear what she had to say. We are waiting patiently and then she says its a girl! Erik and I were both floored because we have been saying the baby was a boy this whole time. Now our little bun is a girl that we have decided to name Scarlett Rose. So pretty. I cant wait for our little girl to arrive. So the best thing about is that we waited to tell everyone till our rehersal dinner for our wedding. Everyone tried their best to pry it out of us before then. So what we did was we bought pink and blue baby cards and wrote a thank you letter in them thanking everyone for their support during our wedding process, and at the bottom was signed Erik, Ashley & Scarlett Rose. So everyone had either pink or blue and everyone was like aww its a girl I got a pink card and others had blue. Confusion everywhere. You didnt find out until you read the names at the bottom. It was great fun and it was Eriks idea. So now everyone knows and life is good. We go to see our little girl next Monday and we are excited to see how our little girl has grown.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Feel it on the outside?
Eww dont have a gross mind. LOL. Well today I was at work sitting watching like a million hours of Biggest Loser when I put my hand on my lower abs and all of a sudden I felt a big, hearty kick! And I felt it from the outside. So I sat there for like ten minutes with the show on pause like if I moved or made noise I would scare Bun. I felt like a loin on the hunt and if I made noise my prey way gone. Lol. So I had been debating that if the feeling I am feeling is Bun or gas. So today was definite confirmation that it is def the baby. I was so excited! Yesterday I thought I felt something right before I was going to bed, but I threw it out because I moved at the same time so I really couldnt tell if it was Bun or not. I am really excited for Erik. He will be so happy to feel Bun finally. That is the best part about it, he gets to share my experiences now and that is just awesome. So I cant wait to get home and hope Bun puts on a show for his daddy. I cant wait till tomorrow either, we finally get to find out if Bun has a taco or a bean bag lol!! Well if Bun lets us. So I cant wait for tomorrow!! Now I get to plan and buy things for our little girl or boy!!! I cant wait!
Monday, March 29, 2010
I have an alien in my uterus!!!!!!!!
So I have been feeling these weird things in my uterus/ lower ab area. So all week I have been trying to see if its gas, upset tummy, but it has not sank in completely that ITS THE BABY!! So this past week I have been trying to decifer if it is the baby or I need to fart. Sooo recently I was driving in my car singing to Bun and myself I kept feeling something weird going on in that region. I cant ever tell if it is the vibration of the car, me moving or other factors. So yesterday I was at church when again I felt this weird feeling in my uterus. So I tell Ashley (Eriks sis, my future sis-in-law) I swear I feel something moving! She tells me that of course I feel something im pregnant. Duh. So all day I concentrated and felt slight flutters and moving. But it was so light I thought it was gas. So last night I was lying down getting ready to go to bed and felt something moving. So now im at my work and there is definitly moving in there. I have noticed that after I eat Bun gets on the move, if it is Bun moving, and in the car when I sing. Its so exciting!! It kinda is a weird feeling like fluttering of butterflys or little gas bubbles. Truely it is the weirdest things I have felt ever and I know its going to get more intense and more alien like. I cant wait till Erik can feel. He will be so excited. He tries to feel Bun like everyday but he cant yet. He is so sweet, he is going to be a great Dad. So our little Bun is a mover and a shaker!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dreams of Starbucks and baby faces?
Last night Erik and I went to bed at like 10:30pm. So I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. When I got into my deep sleep I started having dreams of Starbuck and babies. Here is how the dream starts I think. I am with my cuz Jessica and we are driving to Starbucks to get some tasty treats. We leave the car and we go inside. All these people I havent talked to in a while were there that I had previously worked with at the Bucks. So we go on chatting and some lady comes in the store and is like, "Theres a baby in that car!!! I cant believe someone left their baby in a car!! Im callin the cops." So then at that moment I realize that my baby is not with me, I left it in the car! Baby had only been in the car for a few minutes with the car running. So I look at the baby and I see its face that is sleeping so soundly in its carseat. It is a baby boy with blackish hair and tan skin. OMG I saw my babies face. So while I am seeing this in my dream I am freaing out in my head. I just saw my babies face. So I grab baby and I go inside. The lady never called the cops and no one seemed to notice I had left the baby in the car except for her. I cant believe my cuz didnt notice, but then again I can believe it. Lol. So while I am still trying to get over that I may have seem my baby face before it was born I woke up. I was so upset because I wanted to see more of my baby. I toss and turn forever before falling asleep. When I start dreaming again I start right back were I started. Crazy I can never do that. So I am still in The Bucks drinking coffee (oh how I miss coffee) and I look over to the baby carrier and see babys face again same beautiful face that I left before I woke. My baby boy was so beautiful!! I just think its weird because in dreams I rarely can focus on things enough to describle the detail of things let alone go back to a certain spot in a dream. I dont know if I really saw Bun, but it got me so excited about our baby even more. I cant wait to meet this mysterious baby.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
So last night I got a hand in me face telling me to STOP SNORING!!. Lol. SInce I have been pregnant I have been talking in my sleep and now snoring quite badly. Eriks way of making me stop is to pock me in the face until I stop. On night he woke me up like 3 times and the last time he was like, "If you dont stop I am going to kick your ass!" Well thats just what a lady want to hear in the middle of the night it that, but he was totally kidding. In the morning he was like you were talking in your sleep so bad, I had to wake you. You were making no sence saying things like jibberjaber. If I had a recorder to play back the impression he did of me, I was the funniest thing I have ever heard. So he went around mocking me all day. I have always snored but I think it has gotten worse since the pregnancy and the talking in me sleep thing it totaly new to me, but quite funny. Maybe its Bun trying to talk through me, weird huh.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So Im at work, sitting minding my own business when suddenly my Superior comes up to me and is like, "Ashley you have to wear a uniform!" AHHHH. My worst nightmare. For 2 1/2 months I have been wearing flip flops, jeans, hoodies, all of my comfy clothes. He said the reason being it that the Chief that is over us wanted everyone to look the same. :) So non of my work pants fit me let alone will button. So I have to ask my sweet fiance if I can us his pants. Yea he wears a 33-34 in pants and I am almost to big in my tummy that they wont last long. Sucks. So Im walking around in man pants and still not comfy. And i have to wear my boots and uniform shirt. Its like I am in Hell. Aww so I dont know what I am going to do when his pants dont fit me anymore. I can walk around with a rubberband holding my pants together. Its just a thought.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Our firecracker at 14 weeks
So Erik and I went for our second ultrasound on Friday ( yes i know im late) and we got to see our little Bun was alot bigger than last time. The doc took out the doppler and started fishing around and Bun kept running away but before she gave up on finding a heartbeat we got to hear Bun kicking the crap out of me. It was so funny. So she busted out the ultrasound machine and there Bun was big and kicking away. Bun was moving and kicking and running, I mean swimming around in there like crazy. So there is a good chance that when our Bun gets out of there Erik and I will have our hand full with this firecracker. Next visit we get to see what we are having if Bun cooperates with us. So exciting!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Pancakes and chocolate!!
This morning I was so tired!! I mean tired. Last night I felt bad like I had a bad tummy ache. Well this tummy ache has lasted a couple of days and I have taken like an army of Tums but they havent helped. So I was suppose to go to work today but I didnt. I felt like if I went my stomach would explode from all the gas and I would fart and it would fill the whole 16th floor and kill everyone from the horrible smell, and that I would have to sneek out the emergency exit doors before anyone found out. I know gross, sorry. So I made sure to wake Erik up to go to work becuase he can not play hooky anymore and he was off. My hard working man. So all that was left was my upset stomach, Wyatt (our dog), and Bun. We all went back to sleep but I awoke by my brain telling me, " You need chocolate and pancakes." My brain won and I ate my chocolate and pancakes in bed thinking of how my brain knew exactly what I wanted. I blame it on Bun. Lol.
Monday, February 15, 2010
The first three months of my pregnancy
So it all began with one day me not feeling so well, well it was like a couple week of feeling like poop. So tired and not feeling like myself. So went to work, and went to the doctor because my Capt was like "Either your gonna start your period or your pregnant." So I came back and Capt was like "Are you sick?" and I said " Yea im gonna be sick for the next nine months." And my little Bun's story began. So like anyone you would tell the person that knocked you up right. So it told my fiance, Erik. He was like "Ok." I should have known I would get that kind of answer from him. Lol. So that was that, I was prego and I had a little life in me. Crazy. So over the next month worring about if Bun was ok in there until out first ultra sound. I was so worried because I didnt feel sick or anything, just tired. I wasnt sure everything was alright in there which made me so anxious. Erik said I was overracting and that Bun was ok. So anyways, we went to the doctor and the doctor was asking my questions and obviously she saw I was stressing and asked me what was the matter. I told her I couldnt concentrate without knowing if everything was ok in there. So I layed on the table with that cold jelly on my belly and there Bun was moving and I cried because I really did have a baby in me. It was wonderful. Erik was amazed too from the look on his face. The doc checked for a heartbeat, and there it was loud and clear the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. So strong, I was elated! She said Bun was 9 weeks and 3 days and about a half an inch. It was amazing something that small was moving and living inside of me. So she printed out our picture of Bun and then the questions could be answered without me worrying. Over the next month I still worried because thats just me. Our next appointment is Feb 26th and I will be 3 1/2 months then. Crazy how time flies when your making a baby.
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