So it all began with one day me not feeling so well, well it was like a couple week of feeling like poop. So tired and not feeling like myself. So went to work, and went to the doctor because my Capt was like "Either your gonna start your period or your pregnant." So I came back and Capt was like "Are you sick?" and I said " Yea im gonna be sick for the next nine months." And my little Bun's story began. So like anyone you would tell the person that knocked you up right. So it told my fiance, Erik. He was like "Ok." I should have known I would get that kind of answer from him. Lol. So that was that, I was prego and I had a little life in me. Crazy. So over the next month worring about if Bun was ok in there until out first ultra sound. I was so worried because I didnt feel sick or anything, just tired. I wasnt sure everything was alright in there which made me so anxious. Erik said I was overracting and that Bun was ok. So anyways, we went to the doctor and the doctor was asking my questions and obviously she saw I was stressing and asked me what was the matter. I told her I couldnt concentrate without knowing if everything was ok in there. So I layed on the table with that cold jelly on my belly and there Bun was moving and I cried because I really did have a baby in me. It was wonderful. Erik was amazed too from the look on his face. The doc checked for a heartbeat, and there it was loud and clear the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. So strong, I was elated! She said Bun was 9 weeks and 3 days and about a half an inch. It was amazing something that small was moving and living inside of me. So she printed out our picture of Bun and then the questions could be answered without me worrying. Over the next month I still worried because thats just me. Our next appointment is Feb 26th and I will be 3 1/2 months then. Crazy how time flies when your making a baby.
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